Beginning this week (May 23rd) and each Tuesday throughout the summer the library will be open from 1 – 3 pm. In addition to checking out and returning books, the librarian will have activities planned surrounding a different featured author each week. You may stay for the entire 2-hour time frame or you may come to just check out, return books and then leave.
Please enter through the middle school lower cafeteria doors by the SPED office. Since the building doors are locked, students will need to buzz in at the SPED doors and Mrs. Walker or Mrs. Bibb will unlock the doors. When the doors unlock please proceed to the library where Mrs. Colbert will be ready for your library visits.
Incoming 6th graders for this fall are also invited to participate in the Summer Library Program at Bowling Green Middle School.
Friday May 19 is the last day of school and an early release day. School will be dismissed at 12:50pm. Please ensure that you speak with your child about their after school plans. All changes must be communicated with the office by 11:30 am.
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Troy High School is offering an Engineering Camp starting July 17th - 21st from 8:30 to 12:00 it is open to any 6th -12th grade student. You will be doing build challenges, electronics and 3D Modeling and Printing. There are flyers in the office for you to pick up.
Beginning next week on Tuesday, May 23 the library will be open from 1 - 3 p.m. each Tuesday throughout the summer. In addition to checking out and returning books, the librarian will have activities planned surrounding a different featured author each week. You may stay for the entire 2 hour time frame or you may come to just check out, return books and then leave.
Please enter through the middle school lower cafeteria doors by the SPED office. Since the building doors are locked, students will need to buzz in at the SPED doors and Mrs. Walker or Mrs. Bibb will unlock the doors. When the doors unlock please proceed to the library where Mrs. Colbert will be ready for your library visits.
Incoming 6th graders for this fall are also invited to participate in the Summer Library Program at BGMS.
If you have any questions, please call (ext. 2501) or stop by the library.
Take anything you want from the lost and found table.
2 ½ days of school left
No homework advantage for 7th grade this week but you can go to Mrs. Beckers
May 17th - 8th grade trip to the zoo and 6th grade to Scotties, 7th grade awards at 1:30.
May 18th - 8th grade awards at 8:30 am in the high school gym followed by promotion practice. Promotion is at 6:00 pm in HS gym. You will take gowns home after school. 6th grade D&D after school.
May 19th - Olympic Challenge - lots and games some will be outside some inside. There is a big blow up jump house coming. This is a super fun day with a lot of things going on. We will be selling candy for $1.00 so make sure you bring money. We will also dismiss at 12:50 pm. Please make sure you
Lunch - Chicken Patty with mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, hot roll, salad, fruit or PB&J with Cheese stick, or Cobb Salad with italian bread
Today’s Birthdays: No birthdays today
Our Mission:
Empowering our students for life's endless opportunities.
Live stream for the 8th grade Promotion:
8th grade promotion is Thursday May 18 at 6:00 in the HS gym.
General Obligation Bonds, Series 2023
Reminders for the end of the year field trips and promotion. You must have fines paid; this includes lunch, technology, book fines. You must also have your lock. If you have lost your lock it is $5.00 to replace it.
9 days of school left
Teacher appreciation week please let your teachers know how much you appreciate them and all they do for you to help make you successful.
May 9th - Choir Concert 6 pm, there will be a meeting today during cat for 6th & 7th grade girls interested in softball for next year. also Spin Art with Mrs. Grote. Messy art with a drill! Fun stuff people! 3:30pm - 5pm. 8th grade Chromebook turn in today at 1:45. You will be called down by class. We are collecting Chromebooks only, you keep your charger. If you have lost your charger you will need to pay for a replacement.
May 10th - School Nurse day please let Nurse Chinn know how much we appreciate all she does for us. There will be free sports physicals hosted by Pike County Memorial hospital after school in the high school gym from 4 - 6 pm. Must have MSHSAA Form and a parent with you or a parent permission form. Those forms are available in the high school office. They will also have them on May 24th.
May 11th - 6th and 7th grade schedules are due there are trays outside Mrs. Bowman's office door. One for 6th grade and one for 7th grade.
May 12th - 8th graders need to have all fines paid to participate in promotion. Special Olympics 6/7/8 grade football meeting in the MS gym and 6th & 7th grade volleyball meeting for anyone who is interested in volleyball for next year. The meeting will be in the lower cafeteria.
May 12th- Spray paint art. Creating Solar Systems. If it is sunny...Be ready to work outside. Rain may delay the event. 3:30-5.
May 15th - SLC Trip and 5th grade tours and 6th grade locker clean out
May 16th - 8th grade locker clean out and promotion gown try on.
May 17th - 8th grade trip to the zoo and 6th grade to Scotties, 7th grade awards at 1:30.
May 18th - 8th grade awards at 8:30 am followed by promotion practice. Promotion is at 6:00 pm in HS auditorium
May 19th - Olympic Challenge - lots and lots of different activities some will be outside some inside. This is a super fun day with a lot of things going on. We will be selling candy for $1.00 so make sure you bring money. We will also dismiss at 12:50 pm.
Lunch - MOBeef super nachos or PB&J with corn, salad, fruit or Big Mack Salad with Italian Bread
Today’s Birthdays: Natalie Carrol - Summer birthdays are July 22nd - Amelia Jennings and Dallas Henderson and Cash Rhoades
Our Mission:
Empowering our students for life's endless opportunities.
BGMS Parents: We have updated our policies related to Chromebooks. Beginning this year, 6th and 7th graders will keep their Chromebooks and chargers over the summer. They will use these for the duration of their MS career. If you purchased insurance on these devices this year, this will carry over UNTIL THE START of the 23-24 school year. 8th graders will check-in their Chromebooks during the week of May 8. They will then receive their new Chromebook at the same time.
Free Physicals
BGMS April Newsletter
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Reminders for the end of the year field trips and promotion. You must have fines paid; this includes lunch, technology, book fines. You must also have your lock. If you have lost your lock it is $5.00 to replace it. Students please put your locks on your lockers asap.
28 days of school left
April 11th - Softball meeting for 8th grade only at cat time. Report to cat time and you will be dismissed from there Mr. Smith will meet you.
April 11th - 6th grade Book Club
April 12th - 6th grade book club and Rocket Club
April 13th - Informational meeting for any 8th grader interested in cheer for next year. The meeting will be in the high school auditorium. Also there will be a girls basketball meeting during cat time in the middle school gym for any current 6th or 7th grader who is interested in playing basketball next year. Again go to cat time and you will be released from there. Track @ Montgomery 4:15
April 14th - Track @ Louisiana 4:00, D&D club for 7th/8th grade
April 17th - No school Staff only but the Hannibal track meet that was canceled on April 1st is rescheduled for today bus will leave at 3:30
April 18th - MAP testing will begin with 8th grade ELA and 6th grade book club, Shot clinic forms are due
April 19th - 8th grade ELA Map testing and 6th grade book club and chess club
April 20th - 6th grade ELA Map testing Track at Centralia @ 4:00 pm
April 21st - 7th grade ELA Map testing and D&D club for 6th grade
April 22nd- Art in the Park 10am-2pm Food, Fun, Art and Music from 10 - 2 pm! Everyone is Welcome!
April 24th - 8th grade Science Map Testing Track @ home 3:30 pm
April 25th - 6th grade Math Map testing
April 26th - 8th grade Math Map testing and Track @ Palmyra @ 4:00 pm and rocket club
April 27th - 7th grade Math Map testing
April 28th - D&D for 7/8th grade
May 1st - 8th grade Algebra EOC, Shot clinic from 1pm - 3pm and Track @ Montgomery @ 4:15
May 2nd - 8th grade Algebra EOC
May 3rd - Map Make up if needed, Shot clinic and 7th grade library books are due. Chess club afterschool
May 4th - 7th grade field trip Map Make up - Band concert 6:30, 7th grade field trip to the Cardinal Game
May 5th - 7th grade Job Shadowing and All library books are due back
May 8th - 6th grade will be doing schedules during LE
May 9th - Choir Concert 6 pm
May 10th - Rocket Club after school
May 12th - 8th graders need to have all fines paid to participate in promotion.
May 15th - SLC Trip and 5th grade tours
May 17th - 8th grade trip to the zoo and 6th grade to Scotties
May 18th - 8th grade promotion 6:00 pm in HS auditorium
May 19th - Olympic Challenge - lots and lots of different activities some will be outside some inside. This is a super fun day with a lot of things going on. We will also dismiss at 12:50 pm.
Lunch - Cheeseburger or Hot Dog Mac and Cheese with Italian Bread, salad, tater tots, fruit or BLTE Salad with Italian Bread
Birthdays: No birthdays today
Our Mission:
Empowering our students for life's endless opportunities.
Prop S Voting Reminder
As a reminder, Tomorrow, April 4, Bowling Green R-1 Schools will ask voters to consider a request to issue general obligation bonds in the amount of $8.75 million for the purpose of completing projects that will impact all schools in the district. Don't Forget to VOTE!
BGR-1 Families and Staff,
I am writing to let you know that after watching the weather briefing for our area this morning, I am making the decision to dismiss students at noon today, Friday, March 31, due to incoming severe weather. The severe weather threat has been elevated for our area and north to Severe and with the potential of tornado outbreaks. Schools North of us have followed suit, unless they have a large enough tornado safe room to accommodate all of their students. While we have a safe room like this in Frankford now, we do not for the BG area. Please watch for announcements from individual schools regarding after school or evening activities as this storm unfolds.
Thank you for your understanding, and stay safe.
Matt Frederickson, PhD
I know that many in their lifetime used something like this picture for “Duck and Cover” exercises in their classroom (as I did as well.) Somehow, I always felt that this just would not be enough when I needed projection. Just in my lifetime, there have been tornado deaths in schools in Orrick, Missouri; Belvidere, Illinois; Clearwater, Florida; Newburgh, New York; Grand Isle, Louisiana; Enterprise, Alabama; and Moore Oklahoma, but going back further in history we know of school deaths in St. Louis, MO; Poplar Bluff, MO and a tri-state tornado that killed 69 students in nine schools including within Missouri. And, we all remember the destruction in Joplin, Mo (thankfully, students were not present at the time) where five schools were completely destroyed and four others were damaged by the F5/EF5 tornado. Very recently, the Goodman, Missouri elementary school was destroyed by an EF2 tornado. While we have done much with raising awareness, (with bringing the KMOV Storm Team to BGHS to share information and broadcast their weather program), and doing drills and training, and with writing grants to help fund a storm safe shelter and tornado siren in Frankford, we have much more to do. (We have applied for grants for the BG campus, but FEMA did not award those.) It is important to note that at our BGHS, it is very difficult to find places to shelter with all of the glass in the hallways. We have to make use of bathrooms and locker rooms. As your superintendent responsible for the safety of all of our students while at school, this has been a sense of urgency for me since day one. The Joplin School District has built 14 safe rooms since 2011, when 161 were killed in their community. And, all new buildings built as schools in Missouri are required by law to have a tornado safe room moving forward. Prop S (a NO TAXRATE INCREASE BOND ISSUE on the ballot on April 4) plans to build a large tornado safe room as an expansion to the MS and HS library and includes a tornado safe room within a newly constructed Early Childhood Center that would have enough capacity to shelter not only our early childhood students, but also those at the nearby Learning Center.
Also, in my lifetime, there have been nearly 2,000 school shooting incidents with the greatest numbers in 2019 with 119, 2021 with 249 and 2022 with about 300. Again, we have done quite a bit with eliminating some exterior doors, adding buzz-in doors at every school entrance, adding updated fire rated classroom doors with locking mechanisms, adding transaction windows within the entrance vestibule at both elementary schools, adding bullet resistant film on exterior glass, updating our alarm system, and have started acquiring bullet-proof white boards (like the one we showed on TV when Alex Fees come to do a story that then aired on NBC found here: ). We have also added a School Resource Officer and have raised awareness through ALICE training and drills, where we are using a new accountability application on our devices ensuring all students are accounted for in a more efficient process. Prop S will add transaction style vestibule entrances at the Middle School and the High School (like we have at our elementary schools) and we will be able to more closely monitor those who wish to gain access to those schools and implement a visitor management system district-wide. We also plan to add fencing to totally enclose playgrounds at Frankford and Bowling Green Elementary Schools and behind the High School, where we will also add an electronic gate with buzz in access to the AG area. While we also plan to do upgrades for ADA compliance at Central Office and on our playgrounds, and increase service in our free tuition Pre-School from 2 classrooms to seven (adding capacity for potential tuition based daycare options) with more capacity and appropriate facility needs, and upgrading the roof and paving the emergency road at Frankford Elementary, but the school safety upgrades are first and foremost on our minds and central to this No Tax rate Increase Bond Issue..
Many might not know that in addition to the 29 years of fulltime service in education, I also served for 25 years in active duty and national guard settings in the military. In fact, someone has served in every generation of my family going back to the Revolutionary War, including the newest generation with my own two sons. Maybe that is where the sense of urgency comes from when planning for any potential uncertainty and ensuring our students are safe. It becomes a mindset…and one I do not take lightly. To Train and Prepare… But, it is really all of our responsibility. I do hope you will make time to vote this Tuesday, on April 4 where Prop S (Proposition: Students) is on the ballot and is a NO TAXRATE INCREASE Bond Issue. See video for more information:
Thank you and stay safe with weather coming in tomorrow night! Stay vigilant!
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Reminders for the end of the year field trips and promotion. You must have fines paid; this includes lunch, technology, book fines. You must also have your lock. If you have lost your lock it is $5.00 to replace it.
36 days of school left
8th grade students take your ICAPS home and have your parent sign them and return them to Mrs. Bowman tomorrow.
There are lost and found items on the table, only take what is yours.
March 28th - There will be a basketball meeting during cat time for 6/7/8th grade boys. You will meet in the gym during cat time. You must report to cat time and be released from there. 6th grade book club in Mrs. Kroencke’s room has been canceled for tonight
March 28th & 30th -Open Art Studio- Finishing cars and the blue castle. Tues and Thurs.
March 29th - 6th grade book club and Track @ Winfield @ 4:00 pm
March 30th - Cheer meeting during cat time in the gym for any 6th or 7th grader interested in cheer for next year. Mic Night @ 6:30 and Open Art Studio after school
March 31st - D & D club for 7th/8th grade
April 1st - Track @ Hannibal start time 10:00 am
April 3rd - Cheer Practice for students in 6th or 7th grade.
April 4th - Track @ Centrailia 4:00 pm and Cheer Practice
April 5th - Spring Pictures starting right after morning announcements only online orders will be accepted and Cheer Tryouts after school
April 6th - 6th grade Book club, D&D club for 6th grade
April - 7th and 10th - No School
April 11th and 12th - 6th grade Book Club
April 13th - Track @ Montgomery 4:15
April 14th - Track @ Louisiana 4:00
April 17th - No school Staff only
April 18th - MAP testing will begin with 8th grade ELA and 6th grade book club
April 19th - 8th grade ELA Map testing and 6th grade book club
April 20th - 6th grade ELA Map testing Track at Centralia @ 4:00 pm
April 21st - 7th grade ELA Map testing
April 22nd- Art in the Park 10am-2pm Food, Fun, Art and Music all afternoon! Everyone is Welcome!
April 24th - 8th grade Science Map Testing Track @ home 3:30 pm
April 25th - 6th grade Math Map testing
April 26th - 8th grade Math Map testing and Track @ Palmyra @ 4:00 pm
April 27th - 7th grade Math Map testing
May 1st - 8th grade Algebra EOC and Track @ Montgomery @ 4:15
May 2nd - 8th grade Algebra EOC
May 3rd - Map Make up if needed
May 4th - 7th grade field trip Map Make up
May 5th - 7th grade Job Shadowing
Lunch - Tenders with italian bread or Ham and Cheese Melt with salad, corn, fruit or BLTE with Italian bread
Birthdays: No birthdays today
Our Mission:
Empowering our students for life's endless opportunities.
Opaa! Kitchen Staff Career Opportunities. There are multiple Kitchen Ladies retiring this year, and I would like to hire and train new staff before the end of the year.
BGMS MAP Testing Schedule
On April 4, Bowling Green R-1 Schools will ask voters to consider a request to issue general obligation bonds in the amount of $8.75 million for the purpose of completing projects that will impact all schools in the district.
If voters approve the request, there will be no increase to the district’s debt service property tax levy, which is currently 50 cents per $100 of assessed valuation of real estate and personal property.
Learn more at by viewing this video:
or navigate to:
on Facebook or
on Instagram
All 8th grade students have worked on their ICAP/4 year plans and should be bringing them home for parents to review. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Holland or Mrs. Bowman