BGMS March Newsletter
10 months ago, Kim Luebrecht
BGMS March Newsletter
BGMS Yearbook Information
10 months ago, Kim Luebrecht
BGMS Yearbook Information
BGMS - Movie Night Monday, February 26th.
11 months ago, Ellen Meyer
Movie Night
BGR-1 Reminder: There will be no school for the BGR-1 School District tomorrow or Monday, 2/16 and 2/19.
11 months ago, Matt Frederickson
Bowling Green Middle School students with Glen "Kane" Jacobs
11 months ago, Kim Luebrecht
7th Grade Job Shadowing Packet - Job shadowing packets went out yesterday with 7th-grade students. Please review the packet and find a placement for your student to shadow. Forms are due March 28th to Mrs. Bowman.
11 months ago, Kim Luebrecht
JS Parent Letter
JS Agreement
JS Form
Due to an outpour of interest in the Safe Sitter program, our classes for today (Tuesday) are full! We will be hosting a second class on Thursdays. Your child must complete the form and bring it to the MS Office before class starts on Thursday, Feb. 8th.
11 months ago, Kim Luebrecht
Safe Sitter Classes
Safe Sitter Classes
Safe Sitter Classes
February Newsletter
11 months ago, Kim Luebrecht
February Newsletter
Any parent/student interested in sending a candy gram can do so by filling out the form and giving the payment to the MS office. These will be due no later than Feb. 7th. Candy grams can be given to all grades, including Frankford. These will be passed out on Valentine's Day.
11 months ago, Kim Luebrecht
Candy Grams
8th Grade PLTC Open House
12 months ago, Kim Luebrecht
8th Grade PLTC Open House
Safe Sitter Classes The first 28 students to turn in a permission slip and fee to Mrs. Bowman will get a spot in the class.
12 months ago, Kim Luebrecht
Safe Sitter Classes
Safe Sitter Classes
Safe Sitter Classes
Teen Health Fair Any 6-8 students can ride the bus if they have a permission form turned in by Feb. 2nd. Free lunch and lots of fun activities and giveaways are provided.
12 months ago, Kim Luebrecht
Teen Health Fair
BGR1: Due the conditions of some of our secondary roads, we will have an AMI (Alternative Methods of Instruction)day today and school will be canceled. We hope to be in session tomorrow. Look for building specific communication regarding after school activities. Be safe!
12 months ago, Matt Frederickson
icy roads
BGR1: School is cancelled for tomorrow, Monday, January the 22nd due to anticipated icy road conditions in the morning. Any future cancellations would be utilizing AMI (Alternative Methods of Instruction).
12 months ago, Matt Frederickson
winter advisory
BGR1: School will be closed today, Friday, January 19, due to inclement weather. As a reminder, after one more snow day, we would transition to AMI (alternate methods of instruction) for any future days off for weather. Be safe and we will see you soon.
12 months ago, Matt Frederickson
snow flake
Introducing our new MS Principal!
12 months ago, David Koogler
The PLTC Open House for this evening has been cancelled.
12 months ago, Kim Luebrecht
BGR1: Due to projected low windchill tomorrow morning at bus stops, we are canceling school for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 16. The school board meeting at Frankford elementary will go on as planned. We look forward to school on Wednesday. Matt Frederickson, PhD Superintendent
12 months ago, Matt Frederickson
winter advisory
BGR1: Due to potential icy road conditions as temperatures drop this afternoon, the BGR1 School District will follow a special early release schedule on Friday, January 12, releasing at noon. Be safe out there and stay warm this weekend!
12 months ago, Matt Frederickson
snow flake
BGR1: I wanted to reach out in advance to give families notice, for your planning purposes, of the possibility of an early release at 12:50 pm tomorrow, Friday, January 12. We will need to watch to see if the forecast holds before making that decision tomorrow morning and to see if the temperatures will in fact drop as is being reported. I hope that this advance notice tonight helps our families plan in case this early release becomes a reality. We appreciate your flexibility as we do our best to keep our students and staff safe with learning and supports moving forward. If we decide to have an early release, we should be able to get notice to families by mid-morning tomorrow. Thank you. Dr. Matt Frederickson Superintendent
12 months ago, Matt Frederickson
snow flake